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Dentures to Implant Bridge
New Bedford, Falmouth, & Hyannis, MA

Implant Bridges provided by and in New Bedford, Falmouth, & Hyannis, MA at

An illustration of a mouth getting a partial denture bridge with implants from Center for Advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry in New Bedford and Falmouth, MAIf you are tired of your dentures, we understand. Dentures are a great way to replace the teeth that you have lost, but they are far from perfect. Dentures have limitations, and they don’t work well for everyone. If you want to do something about your dentures, we have a suggestion: dentures to implant bridge. With dentures to implant bridge, we can move you from a denture to a permanent solution. Give Center for Advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry a minute to talk to you about a denture to implant bridge.

The Difference Between Dentures and Implants

Dentures and implants are not the same thing. We have used dentures for hundreds of years to replace teeth that are no longer there due to injury or illness. Dentures have been an excellent substitute for many people who need a replacement for their teeth. They make dentures from acrylic, plastic, metal, and porcelain. Dentures have to be specially made to fit each individual. Implants, like dentures, are a solution to tooth loss. Instead of being removable, implants screw into your mouth, and they are a permanent solution to tooth loss. Dentures are removable, and you need to remove them each evening.

The Problem With Dentures

For many people, dentures are a great solution to their missing teeth. However, not all patients enjoy dentures. Dentures can rub up against your gums, which could cause sores on your gums. Also, dentures don’t properly fit everyone. If your dentures don’t fit properly, you may be self-conscious. You may not want to go out in public because your dentures slip and make it difficult to talk. We also have patients who don’t want to get dentures because they think it ages them. If you don’t want dentures, you can get implants as an alternative to dentures.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Dental implants are a great solution to missing teeth, and many of our patients see implants as an alternative to dentures. They represent a permanent solution to missing teeth because you don’t remove them. Implants are better for your jawbone. Because the implants anchor directly into the jawbone, your jawbone thinks there are still teeth there. This means that blood flows directly into your gums and jaw, and your jaw stays healthy and strong instead of losing bone mass.

Over time, if you don’t have a tooth in your jawbone, your jawbone begins to deteriorate. If you get a denture to implant bridge, we can put in a bridge of several teeth all at one time. To place the bridge, we will need to place screws into your jaw so that we can place the bridge on the top of the screws. Once the implant bridge is in place, you don’t need to take it out every night, because it is a permanent part of your mouth.

If you are thinking about changing from dentures to an implant bridge, give Center for Advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry a call at 508-204-3145. We would love to have you in for a consultation so that we can let you know whether you are a good candidate for implants. Call us today.

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Dentures to Implant Bridge - New Bedford • Center for Advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry
At Center for Advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, we can talk to you about how getting an implant bridge can benefit you more than dentures.
Center for Advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, 930 Pleasant St, New Bedford, MA 02740-6623 ~ 508-996-3131 ~ ~ 2/1/2025 ~ Page Phrases: Periodontist New Bedford MA Falmouth MA ~